Privacy policy

Universal App

Our basic attitude is trust in the unfolding of the wonderful life.

Your personal privacy and the protection of your data are important to us.

  • Your personal information and content belong only to you. They explicitly do not belong to us.
  • You will not receive advertising from third parties or content from third parties.
  • You have full control over your newsfeed and the order in which posts appear.
  • We do not manipulate, filter or change the order of your news feeds. Only you can do that.
  • Access settings and privacy are your rights. You have control over them.
  • You control who can see your content.
  • We do not sell your personal data to third parties.
  • You can delete your account and your content at any time.

Privacy policy for content.

Illegal activities are not allowed. If illegal activities are brought to our attention, we will take appropriate action. We ask you not to post content that violates our Terms of Service (TOS). Please refer to our TOS for the list of activities that are not allowed on Universal App and the action we may take in the event of a breach.

Privacy policy for data collection: We respect your privacy

To ensure the safety of our users, we store your log data, usage activity, emails, cookie data and device/network information to audit accounts, combat malicious behaviour, detect and prevent spam and maintain the integrity of Universal App.

We may share and match your information in databases or with confidential third parties who specialise in identifying trolls, bots, scammers, spammers, fake accounts, stalkers or illegal activity. We may also use pattern tracking to identify and remove disruptive elements such as trolls, bots, scammers, spammers, fake accounts, stalkers etc.

We monitor how users use our website in general so that we can improve the website. We monitor traffic, usage activity, popularity of features and website performance, and we use general analytics tools to improve your experience.

Service provider

We use third party providers to support the operation of Universal App, for example in hosting and protecting our users.

When you make payments through Universal App, we may share your payment information with third parties to process payments, prevent, detect and investigate fraud or other prohibited activities, facilitate disputes such as chargebacks or refunds, and for other purposes related to credit and debit card acceptance.

Cookies – Where and Why

We use cookies on Universal App to improve your experience. We NEVER use cookies for third parties to use you as a marketing target. Cookies on Universal App allow you to log in and out of Universal App without having to re-enter your login details. Cookies on Universal App show us how many people use a particular feature, how they use it and with what frequency, and whether people open an email we send.

Cookies are another way to protect you from security risks. We use cookies to remember your settings and preferences, such as your preferred language and privacy settings. We use cookies or similar technologies to identify your log data. We use cookies to detect if someone tries to hack your Universal App account or spam the Universal App community.


In most cases, we delete messages from our server when all recipients have seen them. Most services are also programmed to delete the message from the recipient’s device as well. However, there are exceptions:

  • We cannot guarantee that messages will be deleted within a certain period of time. Even after we delete the message data from our server, it may remain in the backup for a limited period of time.
  • As with all digital data, it is possible that messages can still be accessed if they are still in temporary storage on the user’s terminal device.

Your identity: we protect it to the extent allowed by law

We do our utmost to protect your identity at all times. Universal App only discloses personal information when required by law.

Security: HTTPS and encryption

We maintain physical, electronic and procedural safeguards to maintain the confidentiality and security of your personal user data and other information. For example, we encrypt your personal information and most or all of your requests to the server are transmitted over a secure connection (HTTPS). However, no data connection on the Internet or any other network can be considered 100% secure.

Notes: We like to keep you up to date

If you are a registered user of Universal App, you will receive notifications and updates while using our service. Via email, we will inform you about new features, seek your feedback and keep you up to date with what we care about. You can unsubscribe from these email notifications.

Universal App
Universal Sounds GmbH
Schaftmattstrasse 74
4494 Oltingen